Car 1

This text-only map shows you WHO is in the car, WHERE they are sitting in the two rows of seats that face each other and WHAT are their interests and concerns.



2. MAUREEN STUART, moles and cats
sits opposite
37. RICHARD TOMLINSON, love and death

3. DEBORAH PAYNE, brains and beauty
sits opposite
36. JASON LOVERIDGE, brains and beauty

4. DONALD VARDA, an American werewolf
sits opposite
35. MARIE BREATNACH, brains and beauty

5. BRIAN LATHAM, cookery and hoovers
sits opposite
34. ADELE DRISCOLL, courtroom drama

6. MARIA REVENTOS, trains and boyfriends
sits opposite
33. DEIRDRE HIDDERLY, sound and vision

7. VICTOR REVENTOS, trains and girlfriends
sits opposite
32. WILLIAM DYNHAM, politics and people


8. LISA JABOKOWSKI, beauty and the beast
sits opposite
31. MAURICE HAZLETT, spooks and cottages

9. KEITH OLEWAIO, polaroids and minicabs
sits opposite
30. BOB "THE KNOB" HALL, see nickname

10. TOBY SWISWE, Britain and minicabs
sits opposite
29. HELEN BALE, ads and medicine

11. DOUGLAS HIGBEE, pianos and boats
sits opposite
28. FLORA MCCARDIE, departed days

12. GINA HORST, louts and pooftahs
sits opposite
27. DANNI JARRET, sex and pencils

13. MAY HANMORE, fear and photos
sits opposite
26. PAUL HENNESSEY, wife and grandson


14. PHIL BARKER, dads and knuckles
sits opposite
25. ALFRED CUSHWAY, Vauxhall and violence

15. HARRY WADE, rugby and sheep
sits opposite
24. CLIVE KELTON, Bathroom Paradise

16. MINERVA NICHOLAS, love and Bosnia
sits opposite
23. YOSHI KAMIMURA, London and Japan

17. HARRIET DAWE, sons and lovers
sits opposite
22. TONY MANNOCCHI, wines and spirits

18. TONY COLLEY, Camilla and good faith
sits opposite
21. JUSTIN HOLMES, Holmeslessness

19. EVELEEN DOYCE, melodrama and happiness
sits opposite
20. JOY HARVEY, one-stop anger


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This site has been written, encoded and uploaded by Geoff Ryman . Send him an e-mail message at