Car 2

Lt. Harry Freer

Outward appearance

Worn, middle-aged man with a blunt but pleasant face: round cheeks, round nose, slight overbite, small and inwardly turning mouth. Thinning salt and pepper hair combed in strands over bald top. Black overcoat, black shoes, blue shirt collar.

Inside information

On his way to work at Lambeth Police station.

What he is doing or thinking

For four years Lt. Freer pursued a local graffiti sprayer. He'd defaced walls all over Lambeth and Vauxhall -- the primary school on Baylis, the ambulance building, St Michael's School... Nowhere was safe. People felt threatened, intimidated. Finally cameras videoed the culprit and he was identified on Crimewatch by a local schoolteacher.

As soon as he saw the young man in court (22, unemployed) Lt. Freer had a strange reaction. He felt personally threatened, shaken by the sentence. He hated the thought of the lad going to prison. How different really were his bright sprayed swirls from most hoardings? Lt. Freer had no words for his feelings. He kept a report on the case with a photograph of the young man paper-clipped to its cover. The lad's name was Tom Gleadal. No previous convictions, no qualifications.

Last night his wife picked up the photograph from the floor and asked. "When was this taken?"

"Just before the trial," Lt. Freer replied.

His wife looked confused. "Was it before you met me? I don't remember it that's all." She passed it to him, and he saw.

He and Tom Gleadal have nearly the same face: the round nose, the round cheeks, the overbite.

"It's me in my artist days," he answered.

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