She's taken to designing toys, with some success. Leap Frog was a spring-driven wooden toy that jumped. Her brother managed to sell the patent for that. She has been trying to design Scissors Crab, a plastic crab with goofy eyes on springs and pincers that can cut paper. The problem has been safety.
Corrine muses on other useful things the pincers could do -- like knit. Very suddenly something moves inside her head. She sees the pincers weaving hair, spinning strands, making braids.
People buy cornrows, they spend hours braiding them, it costs a fortune.... Corrine covers her mouth. A patented hair-braider! Inexpensive, do it yourself at home. She reaches into her hand bag to pull out her notebook. It isn't there. She pauses, then decides. Sod the job, she's getting back to her design pad. She stands up to get off at Lambeth North instead of the Elephant.