Car 3

Chief Inspector Anthony Curniffe

Outward appearance

Blue pinstripe suit, long blue coat. A broken, disorderly face with heavy nose, lips that curl into a natural sneer, a crown of almost femininely upswept and completely silver hair. Sits still, with a Mona Lisa smile.

Inside information

Chief Inspector for the Metropolitan Police. On his way to his daily work in the bureaucracy of enforcement.

What he is doing or thinking

Remembering yesterday's memorial service for Sir Terence Hobbin, at St Paul church, WC2. Sir Terence had been retired for years, but was remembered for a series of administrative reforms in the late 1970s. He was a solid, respected man, notable to the readers of the Journal of the Police College.

So even the family were surprised and delighted when Sir John Gielgud climbed into the pulpit to read a poem of John Donne's. It showed a surprising, but altogether apt appreciation of a life spent in public service. The rich actorly tones resonated around the roof of the church.

It was even less likely then, that Sir Ian McKellan also entered and smiling somewhat embarrassed, began to wave at Sir John. Sir John waved benignly back, and finished his reading. He had been expected in St Paul church, SW1.

Every day walking to the tube from his apartment in Bloomsbury, Chief Inspector Curniffe stops to talk to the statue of Gandhi. This morning the Inspector asked: why did it apply? It was all wrong and all right at the same time. Does God play jokes to tell the truth?

Gandhi just smiled. The answer was a wonderful yes.

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