Car 3

Miss Miguela Pallares

Outward appearance

Large, amused woman in her early twenties, dressed in jeans, white trainers, and black leather jacket with patterned shoulder inserts.

Inside information

Studying hotel management at Bruenwalt International College. Companion for the day of passenger 92. They are watching a performance of a troupe that performs comedy routines on the tube.

Miguela comes from a large Catalonian family which shouts its mind, which refuses to budge, which prides itself on never putting on a false face.

What she is doing or thinking

Miguela is studying Americans. It is good for her English. It is good for her understanding. They are funny, these Americans. They never stop performing, like Sara now, perky, sitting up, playing pretty Miss. If she needs to, Sara plays tough business professional, or tell-me-your-troubles counselor, or street smart clubgoer in her clean blue jeans.

So who is acting now? The poor guy on show isn't acting: he sits on the old lady for real. The nice American couple, they wear the same clothes. They want look like bookends. Why?

Police get on and they are all arrested, and the Americans think that is a show too. Sara gleams at Miguela, her mouth wide open in delight. As if we really were friends, thinks Miguela, who smiles back at the effrontery of it.

They have to get off, and Miguela knows that Sara's ego means she will have to do the talking. So she starts being all flirty with the old cop, gets him all itchy, and Miguela wonders. You throw on different people, Sara, like clothes. Is there anyone underneath?

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