Teddy speaks estuary English with fluent glottal stops. His job pays shit and he lives in a tiny ground floor flat in Stoke Newington. His Aunt lives in a large house in the Cotswolds and thinks the Queen doesn't speak properly. The family made its money running wool mills. The mills and the money have gone.
She can't remember where he lives. When friends from work visit, she asks them, "And how do you like our clean air?" or "Stoke Newington? We drove through there once didn't we?" When they've gone she forcefully suggests that Teddy might like to have some more local people around. Jenny Morriat, perhaps. The Morriats owned mills too. Jenny is on heroin.
Ella has no money, and can't shake the flu. Teddy doesn't mind helping her. Its just... she makes him feel like such a failure for learning how to live with a changed world.
A teddy bear. Does she really think it's worth anything?